Employee Turnover Costs

Employee Costs

What is the annual base salary of the departing employee?
In the last 12 months, how many employees have you lost?
How many employees did you have at the beginning of 12 months?
How many employees did you have at the end of the 12 months?

Recruiting Costs

What is the annual pay of the HR person in charge of filling positions?
On average, how many days does it take fill a vacant position?
What does it cost you on average to advertise for a vacant position?
How many hours do you spend reviewing candidates for the vacant position?
How many hours do you spend interviewing applicants for an open role?
If you perform a background check, how much does that cost?
What is the annual pay of the hiring manager


What is the average number of days it takes to train a new employee?
In the first three months, how many days do new hires work?

Lost Opportunity/Sales

What is the desired revenue per employee?
What is the actual revenue of the new hire?
What is the average profit margin?
Total Cost of Turnover: $
Turnover Rate:
Lost Opportunity/Sales Per Employee: $
Total Lost Opportunity/Sales: $